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Lush Pet Care, Sydney Australia

Dog Grooming Schedule: How Often Should You Groom Your Dog

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

Small white dog wrapped in blue towel after bath

Your dog’s grooming needs vary based upon his breed, coat type, age and other variables. For example, a long-haired dog will require more regular grooming than a very short-haired dog. Regardless of how often your pet needs grooming, however, it is important to have a dog grooming schedule in place to maintain your pup’s overall health and wellness.In this article, we are going to take a look at various dog grooming tasks and how you can build a schedule based on your dog’s specific needs. The first step in creating a dog grooming schedule for your pet is assessing his grooming needs. These needs are not only determined by your dog’s breed, but they are also determined by his current health.The best way to decide on the best dog grooming schedule is to pay attention to your dog’s current presentation – does his coat look dull? Does his coat look oily? Is he shedding excessively? Is he itching? Has plaque built up on his teeth since the last tooth brushing? Are his nails too long? Do his ears smell a little “off”?Taking note of these things will let you know that your current schedule isn’t quite cutting the mustard. Let’s take a look at some specifics so that you can get a better idea of what a good dog grooming schedule looks like.

In an ideal world, you should brush your dog’s teeth every day. This prevents plaque buildup which contributes to bad breath and poor health. At a minimum, you should be brushing your dog’s teeth three times a week and supplementing with dental toys and raw bones to prevent plaque buildup.

Dog with toothbrush in it's mouth

Small puppy in bubble bath

Frequency: Once every 2-12 months (depending on breed)

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